Standards of Service & Code of Ethics
The Fellowship of Professional Celebrants and all its members agree:
Fellowship to members and professional Cooperation
1) To assist by every means available your fellow celebrant members, through the sharing of knowledge, skills, resources and information to help one another to conduct the very best ceremonies they can.
2) The FPC intends to provide and market the best resources and products available to do this by means of: ~ Promoting on-going training and development, both internally & external training courses & workshops which are felt may benefit celebrants professional and personal development. ~ Regular Newsletters & Emails updates to members ~ An online membership forum for the exchange of news and resources between members.
3) To acquire, publish or distribute information on subjects of professional interests to celebrants.
4) To provide for the social interaction and friendship between celebrant members - with one another, with non-member celebrants and with other celebrant & professionally related organisations, by promoting functions, seminars and the like.
4a) To treat your fellow celebrants with dignity, and courtesy at all times, being aware that they too have differing beliefs, values and cultural backgrounds which should be respected always.
5) To promote the spirit of sharing, cooperation and mutual encouragement and assistance among member celebrants, indeed all celebrants & professionals we work alongside.
6) To publish & promote this Standard of Service and Code of Ethics and to encourage all member celebrants to adhere to the principles herein.
Uniqueness of the Independent Celebrant
7) To encourage & respect the uniqueness, beliefs & values of each individual celebrant member and the unique gifts, qualities & attributes they individually bring to their work.
8) To promote to the public and to professionals such as funeral directors the unique concept of Independent Celebrancy and the qualities which that brings, such as: obliging & cooperative service, cultural & religious awareness, flexible choice of ceremony, appropriateness, efficiency, planning, dignity & professionalism.
9) For individual celebrant members to bring to the attention of the local & national community information about Independent Celebrancy, the importance of trained celebrants in an unregulated profession, and the role & scope of the celebrant in the community which they serve. To promote cultural rights and choice to the public and the role that an independent celebrant can fulfill for them in marking life’s milestones.
10) Members details will only be listed on the FPC website under the ceremony headings for which they have completed training for within our organisation. The same ruling will apply should the Fellowship at any time submit any editorials or adverts for publication.
Standards of Service
11) Members are expected to set and to maintain a professional standard of service to the public for which we will be distinguished, and which will bring recognition to the FPC and to it’s individual members.
12) Members will give the very best of themselves at all times in their preparation & delivery of a ceremony and in their personal presentation & conduct, so that they will stand out as professionals in and increasingly competitive industry.
13) Members will at all times observe the sensitivity in the assessment of each client & family, always respecting their cultural rights, and will encourage them in choosing and/or approving content of the service by ways of appropriate symbolism, readings, prose, music and personal tributes
Objectives of members
Fellowship members should seek:
1) To avoid at all times attitudes of pretentiousness, authoritarianism and self importance, or an overbearing style which would intimidate a client from exercising their rights or wishes for a ceremony.
2) To inform clients of sources available to them for personalising a ceremony, which will make their choice and therefore their ceremony truly meaningful.
3) To avoid portraying intruding personal beliefs, prejudices or preconceived ideas into the ceremony, wherein the client wishes to express their beliefs and/or philosophies in their own way.
4)To always put the needs of the client first in order to create the right ceremony on every occasion.
5) To encourage and facilitate the participation of others in a ceremony, wherever possible.
6) To be available to conduct a rehearsal prior to a Wedding/Civil Partnership Ceremony so as to ensure everything goes smoothly on the day, and to direct the choreography of the Wedding Party so as the couple gain the very best photography and videography of their special day.
7) To dress appropriately for the occasion and in accordance with any special requests from the client (within reason)
8) To present oneself, given the style of dress required, in the best possible way, neat, clean and dignified, and to always maintain standards of personal hygiene.
9) To arrive punctually at an agreed time, and a reasonable time prior to the commencement of the ceremony.
10) To organise and orchestrate the ceremony as skillfully as possible, speaking with clear diction and a sincere voice, always keeping in mind that the ceremony is a very special and memerable moment in somebody’s lifetime.
11)To avoid rushing away from the ceremony venue in haste, but wait an appropriate time, so as to give the ceremony respect, importance and attention.
Law & Procedures
12) In the case of Marriage & Civil Partnership ceremonies, celebrants should be fully aware of legal registration proceedures and should ensure that clients sign the appropriate documentation to confirm they are are fully aware that the celebrant led ceremony is not currently recognised within the marriage laws of the United Kingdom*. (* in accordance to the marriage laws of either England & Wales, or Scotland)
13) Any celebrant involved in any additional arrangements of a funeral service outside of actually officiating at a funeral as a celebrant should ensure that they are fully familiar with law and procedure relating to funeral arrangements, having undertaken suitable required training or be employed/self employed as a funeral director/arranger.
14) Celebrants will be encouraged to speak out honestly to the appropriate authority if he/she believes that the law, regulations and practices which exist within a ceremony are outside of the law, or are deemed socially or morally wrong.
15) All member celebrants will be encouraged to seek education to do the task better and to engage in a continual process of self development to ensure the highest standards of expertise are delivered in ceremonies at all times.
16) All member celebrants will be encouraged to support, mentor and share new resources and information with one another, and to give guidance and advice to one another of specific assistance is requested in creating a ceremonyof Ethics