The Funeral Ceremony
A civil funeral ceremony is a means of offering a wider choice of styles for your particular ceremony with emphasis always being placed on what you want. The traditional religious service is often chosen by people who may not be aware that there are accepted alternatives available to them. More and more people are therefore choosing a civil funeral ceremony deciding that it is a more appropriate choice for them to be able to make. It offers a broad framework that allows you the freedom of choice with regard to the style and content of the ceremony.
A civil funeral service offers a special opportunity to celebrate the life of a family member, loved one or friend which reflects that person. It is therefore a dignified tribute and a highly personal treasured memory. I create a eulogy and ceremony in consultation with you for this act of love, affection and respect.
Civil funerals can be held almost anywhere you wish except in a church or other religious building. The ceremony is therefore appropriate for a crematorium or any non-religious burial ground including cemeteries and Woodland burial sites.

A civil funeral tends to fall into either of these two categories and can take the form of the following;
A semi-religious ceremony which acknowledges that there may be some mourners present who would take comfort from the inclusion of a religious reading, a hymn or an appropriate prayer.
A non-religious ceremony where there is no mention of either a supreme being or an after-life. Any religious symbols or signs may be covered or temporarily removed. Readings, tributes or poems can still be given, as can a moment of reflective silence in addition to music being played.
There are other options available but, whichever you choose, you can be assured that the ceremony will be conducted with sincerity and dignity and will be created specifically to your request. Naturally, I encourage the participation of family or friends, if they wish, in reading their tributes at the ceremony, as well as selecting the music which they think to be appropriate. I always work closely with the family and your chosen funeral director to ensure that every ceremony is a celebration of the unique life that has been lived.